
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Deliberately Choose How You Want To Live Your Life

This article asks the question, "Is your life worth living?" This simple question, when asked often, creates more abundance in your life. Here are practical tools to remind yourself that you are in control of creating a wonderful quality of life regardless of your circumstances.

Many people live reactionary lives where they find themselves always putting out fires and never living the life of their dreams. Is that you? Make the choice to deliberately start living life on your terms by choosing to be proactive about your life choices.

How proactive are you when it comes to how you choose to live your life?

Stephen Covey, in his Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, says the first habit is be proactive. I read that book in 1989 and that principle still resonates with me. Many people live lives of default. They wake up in the morning and life just happens to them. They do not make choices. Instead they spend a lot of time trying to get out of things that happen to them. They invest their time and energy reacting instead of being proactive.

Each of us has to choose to change our mindset to be more proactive instead of reactive. It takes awareness and a desire to really improve the way your life is, in order to make these changes effectively.

These days, we seem to have lost our capacity to revel in “choice.” We are overwhelmed with choices and we end up not making any choice at all. Or, if we make a choice, we have escalated expectations and if the choice does not feed our expectations, then we feel we are responsible for making the wrong choice. And then, we shy away from making choices. So we do not make the wrong choice.

Psychologist, Barry Schwartz spoke on the Power of Choice at The Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference. He said when he was growing up, you bought one type of jeans and you wore them and washed them several times and then they fit perfectly. These days, you have the choice of slim fit, wide legs, low riders, regular riders and when you buy one and take it home, if it does not fit, it becomes your fault, because you made the wrong choice. Well, the truth is, the clearer we are about what we actually want, the clearer we are about the choices that we make.

When you proactively and deliberately make choices, you are signifying to everyone around you and to the Universe at large that your life is worth living.

This may sound like a bizarre question but do you live your life as if it is worth living?

Being proactive and being clear about your choices will help you live your life fully and exceptionally.

Being clear on who you are will help you be clear about your choices. In my law practice and in my coaching practice, I have discovered that most people are just not aware of the value of their lives.

This is part of what is going on when you hit midlife and your parents die, or your body betrays you and you realize you have spent most of your life trying to attain an elusive goal and you have not spent enough time just enjoying the small things. You realize that you have not spent enough time just being happy and just having a plain old good time.

The point is this, no one is going to come into your life and tell you how valuable and wonderful you are. That is a job for you. You have to do that for yourself. You have to remind yourself every single day that you have a phenomenal life worth living. This is critical if you actually want to reinvent your life.

This is where affirmations come in. You may not feel as if you have a phenomenal life but you do. With all the scientific breakthroughs, the fact is no one can create life. Life itself is a mysterious. So use affirmations to direct your thoughts and focus on where you want to go.

Here is how you use affirmations. You want it to be close to what you want. Take the time to discover the hidden desires behind what you want. So for example, if you want a new car, what is the want behind that? You probably want the reliability and dependability of a new car. You are looking forward to the clean car smell and you may even have in mind a high end car that would signify your level of success.

The perfect affirmation for this would be: I enjoy a reliable and dependable new car. Affirm this to yourself all the time. In addition, envision what you want and experience the emotions of what you want now.

Use these tools to help you to help you deliberately choose how you want to live and reinvent your life.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Your Success Isn't What You Think It Is

Daily Success Motivation and Self-Improvement

Your Success isn't what you think it is. Your success is what you think you are and your motivation for pursuing success is intimately tied to your thoughts about yourself and your place in the world.

Defining Success For Yourself
Your were created for achievement and success. While our motivations for pursuing success can stem from greed to fear of lack to a sense of right and entitlement, our success is intimately tied to what we think about ourselves. You should first understand that success isn't defined just by material gain. I believe the purest definition of success is being happy what your life, your accomplishments and your relationships.

We all define success in many different ways but ultimately we are successful when our life choices, the things we accomplish through our life choices and the relationships we build, all allow us to express our life passions and purpose.

Whether we head a company or do volunteer work, when we are expressing ourselves through our sense of purpose and passion and we are happy we the results we are getting...then we are truly experiencing success and our motivation for success all the more clear through our love of the work we do.

Defining Motivation for Success
When we engage success with any effort other than a love and a passion in the pursuit of happiness our lives become drudgery and our efforts become mechanical. Life becomes dry, routine and seems forced. It seems a lot of people define success by how much money they make and possess. And it also seems that many people dream of doing something different. You know, pursuing that life they really want to live, the business they really want to start or that career they really want to go after but they don't think the can make the change or make enough money to be happy.

I have good news for you! Your provision is tied intimately to your passions! You don't have to worry about money when what you do is what you love. Provision or money, will easily flow to you and there is always an audience or client base for just about anything you can think of doing when you consider making money from what you love to do. What I'm saying is that the amount of money you make is not the highest definition or shouldn't be the highest definition of success but you can and should make as much as money your passions and interests can potentially bring to you.

Your Wealth Is Who You Think YOU Are
There are many people who are rich and miserable and there are many people who are rich and full of joy. The same goes for working-class individuals and the poor. Your state of happiness starts with your state of mind and your success is not rooted in what you think it is, it is rooted in who you think you are.

You must think about who you really are and where your place is in the world to find satisfaction in your motivation to define and pursue your personal success. To pursue success soley for the material gain alone is not a compelling enough argument to sustain your efforts to succeed when the going gets tough. You will need a higher purpose that is connected to the joy of being happy with yourself and what you are convinced you can contribute to the improvement of the lives of others and world in which you live.

Think about your personal value and unique talents. There is no other you in the whole world and history of the human race. There will never be another like you again. As you pursue your success, start with thinking about who you really are and how your gifts, talents, passions and interests can be used to improve the lives of others. My favorite book says that "A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men".

What are your gifts (talents, passions, interests)? Think about your gifts, then use them and your success will become reality.
